Sarah's Biggest Fan

On May 11th, 2013, someone under the name "Sarah Can Suck It" created an account just to make the song "God" by Ryan Bane play on her talk page (which will not be linked for the good of your will to live). He was banned almost immediately. Below are screenshots of her reaction on chat.

SarahLOL1.PNG|It starts
SarahLOL2.PNG|Seems like a charming fellow...
SarahLOL3.PNG|Or not. At least she's taking it well
SarahLOL4.PNG|Oh shit...
SarahLOL5.PNG|It wasn't me!
SarahLOL6.PNG|Don't you know that Ryan Bane is a form of torture banned by the U.N.?
SarahLOL7.PNG|Well, the rage ended fast!
SarahLOL8.PNG|Or so I thought
SarahLOL9.PNG|Oh, I guess it wasn't rage!
SarahLOL10.PNG|This person would later wake up in cuba, very confused and with his penis chopped off.